Booking request

Simply via our online inquiry form or by e-mail

When planning and asking questions about your activities, we are happy to assist you with a personal telephone conversation on +43 676 78 3 78 78.

P.S. Requests are not mandatory, we will contact you by phone or email.

Step 1 of 4

Choose one or more activities

    E-Winterbike €128 / children (up to 17) €128 / adultsHigh-Ropes-Course €32 / children (up to 17) €42 / adultsArchery €48 / children (up to 17) €58 / adultsCaving €62 / children (up to 17) €72 / adultsTeambuilding individuallyFun-Kayak €92 / children (up to 17) €104 / adultsCanoeing €92 / children (up to 17) €104 / adultsRafting €92 / children (up to 17) €104 / adults